Contact  is 'Our LOCAL Directory Online'. showcases our beautiful region, its businesses, its culture, its diversity, its unsurpassed natural beauty and its uniqueness as a lifestyle, holiday and business destination. It is a professionally designed, purpose built, business and information website that has been built for locals, relocators and visitors to the Tauranga region. gives LOCAL Business and community organisations a comprehensive web presence that ranks highly in search engines for their keyword services and products. It also acts as a portal for local business websites, helping more people find and use them.

People are finding and using every day to view everything and anything local from Accommodation, Activity & Food and Drink outlets to Shops, Services and Essential Information. 

The  website is proving to be a popular advertising choice for many local businesses.

Internet users LOVE LOCAL. Local websites often rank higher in search engines and are more relevant to users when searching online for products or services in their local region. The local site also attracts regular users as it offers more choices to select from, making the site more attractive than personal business websites.

Besides business profit... Being listed on a LOCAL site gives local businesses more brand awareness, trust and credibility.

The team work hard to make the site easy to use, professional in quality, free to communities and affordable to business owners.

Contact by email to get your business, club or community organisation listed today!